This is Isaac Incorporated's homepage.
Isaac Incorporated is a for profit corporation based in SGW. It was founded in 2022, and since then, the economy of SGW has grown to depend on Isaac Incorporated, and all the companies it owns! Isaac Maher (the founder and CEO of Isaac Incorporated) has said in multiple interviews "This company has grown so vast, so large, that the economy of SGW would collapse without us."
Isaac Robert William Maher (Henceforth known as Isaac) lived in Canada until he was 10 years old, when he moved to the glorious city of SGW. While he was in Canada, he founded Isaac Inc. He soon met the mayor of SGW, named Samuel, and Isaac requested to build his new company Head-quarters in SGW. Samuel agreed, and construction started. A few months later, the skyscraper known as Isaac Inc HQ, opened for business. Later, Isaac went on to found several more companies, all owned by the new Isaac Inc. The largest one was Beefworks Inc., a beef factory.
Beefworks Inc. went on to become a major food source for the entirety of SGW, raking in a staggering Billion dollars every month! Isaac went on to make many more companies, including but not limited to: I.F.E.S.A. (The Interplanetary Food Establishment Safety Association), Robert William Enterprises, Newspapers Inc., The Other SGW Oil Company, Etcetera. Isaac also founded the town of Beefstown, right near Ye Olde Beefstowne home of the Beef-pel, the historic town of Planet Beef. Ye Olde Beefstowne existed back in medieval times, but a tragic wildfire happened, and the town was destroyed.
Isaac has gone on to make a lot of money because of Isaac Inc., and he has donated a lot of his money to charities such as: SGW Wildlife Conservation Organization, SGW Forest Preservation Organization, SGW Historic Sites Preservation Committee, and many more! Isaac has also helped SGW build a LOT of buildings, including: SGW Hospital, SGW Elementary School, SGW Middle School, SGW Emergency Broadcast System, SGW Oriental Garden, and many, many more.
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