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Isaac Incorporated Launches Website! | The Beefstown Times

Written 16-May-2024 by John Johnson

Today Isaac Incorporated has launched the official website! Free for anyone to view. It has various features, such as a news section dedicated to a new newspaper owned by Isaac Inc. (Details below), a basic home page, contact Information, and more!

The founder Isaac Maher has said in a recent interview that "We are working on a website. We might launch it soon, maybe in the next month or two. I don't know. But our teams are currently learning coding to be able to make the website in the first place, and they're almost ready to start making it."

In other news, Isaac Incorporated has created a shiny new newspaper named "The Beefstown Times", and you are currently reading it right now! It's dedicated to happenings relating to Isaac Incorporated, Beefstown, and Planet Beef! We don't have a defined schedule quite yet; We mostly just write an article when something interesting happens!

In other other news, Isaac Incorporated stocks have risen by 24% lately, buy stocks while you can! Turtleshell Incorporated's stocks are down 12%, I'd recomend not buying Turtleshell Inc. stocks, but that's just me.

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