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Isaac Incorporated Announces No More News! | The Beefstown Times

Written 17-May-2024 by Fishtopher Almon

Today Isaac Incorporated made a shocking announcement! They're going to discontinue physical newspapers! The CEO of Isaac Incorporated has stated in an interview that "Physical newspapers are great and all, but they waste too much paper. We will replace them with the newspaper on the website." This statement has sparked much controversy among Isaac Incorporated's financial partners, causing a few companies to end their relationships with Isaac Incorporated! Some companies have completely shutdown due to all their money coming from physical newspapers!

I personally don't agree with Isaac Incorporated's decisions; Why save the trees when salmon are far more important?? I mean, salmon form the very foundation of Planet Beef's ecosystem! Why wouldn't Isaac Incorporated save the salmon??

I personally won't stand for Isaac Incorporated's decisions. I think I'll start a protest. Maybe I'll call it "SAVE THE FISH" or something like that.

That could be cool.

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