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Isaac Incorporated Reveals What's Next For Physical Newspapers! | The Beefstown Times

Written 18-May-2024 by Frenchman McGee

Today Isaac Incorporated has revealed a shocking detail! In a recent interview with Isaac, the CEO of Isaac Incorporated, he said "We currently have no plans to bring back physical newspapers. We might in the future, but in a more... efficient context." People have been very confused about what Isaac said. Later is the same interview he said "I mean that we might use a future technology or material, so as to be more efficient with our paper usage. You see, we've had to partially demolish some forests. Not the beef forest. That one is sacred."

However, what he has said has not calmed the people of beefstown, they're still protesting! As the french used to say, "Quatre journaux hostiles sont plus a craindre que mille baionnettes."

You know what they say: "Tous les grille-pain portent des toasts!"

Au revoir!

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